In Front of the Easel (2015-2016)
Alter Ego, 2016, 20"x60"x6", oil on wood with found object painted with acrylic
Alter Ego, 2016, 20"x60"x6", oil on wood with found object painted with acrylic
Alter Ego, 2016, 20"x60"x6", oil on wood with found object painted with acrylic
Elsa, Elsa Where Does Your Garden Grow, 2015, 18"x60"x12", oil on wood with found objects
Elsa, Elsa Where Does Your Garden Grow, 2015, 18"x60"x12", oil on wood with found objects
Elsa, Elsa Where Does Your Garden Grow, 2015, 18"x60"x12", oil on wood with found objects
Rouge, 2015, 10"x75"x4", oil on wood with found objects
Rouge, 2015, 10"x75"x4", oil on wood with found objects
Rouge, 2015, 10"x75"x4", oil on wood with found objects
This series uses the dressing table as a metaphor for how one creates one-self for the world; a further study of women’s effects or tools and practices as a means of investigation into self and personality. The pieces contemplate the practices to which the female clings or repels as she upon her approach. The carefully considered objects found on the shelves complete the narrative.